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strftime man page is garbled

The description section of the strftime man page is
garbled.  The first paragraph shows as this:


       into a null-terminated string, starting at S and occupying no more than
MAXSIZE characters.

          You  control the format of the output using the string at FORMAT.
literally into the formatted string, and
       time conversion specifications.  Time conversion specifications are two- and
three-character sequences  beginâ
       ning  with  ''%'' (use ''%%'' to include a percent sign in the output).  Each
defined conversion specification
       selects only the specified field(s) of calendar time data from '*TIMP', and
converts it to a string in one  of
       the following ways:


In addition, none of the option letters show, only the
option descriptions.  The info node at
"info libc timefns strftime" appears to be fine.

I have cygwin-doc version 1.7.35-1.
(I have a locale of C.UTF-8, if it matters.)

Wayne Pollock

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