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Fwd: Limited clipboard buffer between X11 apps and Microsoft Windows


Firstly, big shout out to all the incredible volunteers on this
project.  My life is infinitely more technically manageable on
Microsoft Windows thanks to Cygwin.  I get that Linux feeling

My issue: Copying text between X11 apps and Microsoft Windows has
limited clipboard buffer.  My office co-worker and I were able to
replicate the same issue on our machines.

To replicate:
1) Run Cygwin X Server locally.
2) Run gedit remotely (using company Linux hosts) and redirect display
to our local Cygwin X Server.
3) Copy some text in gedit, paste in Windows app, e.g. Notepad.

We are able to find a limit (approximately 1000+ lines of text).  To
be very clear:  We can copy small amounts to text, but not large
amounts of text.

My co-worker found this historical Cygwin mailing list item.  It looks
very similar:

When the copy/paste fails, I see the following in /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log:
[298268.591] winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify -
X*TextPropertyToTextList returned: XConverterNotFound

Finally, I regularly update my Cygwin; AFAIK: my release is quite recent.
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW W01BBSAV 2.3.0(0.291/5/3) 2015-11-09 10:22 i686 Cygwin

Please let me know what I can do to provide further information &
details, e.g., STC -- Simple Test Case as normally requested by


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