conformtest: Support xfail markers on individual assertions [committed]

Joseph Myers
Fri Jun 19 21:27:00 GMT 2015

On Fri, 19 Jun 2015, Roland McGrath wrote:

> I think it makes sense to have bugs for this sort of thing.  They can be
> closed with WONTFIX or whatever, but the bug gives the history of the issue.

If the intent is not to change something, I don't see the advantage of 
indirecting to a bug over simply putting the explanation in a comment.  
(I only mentioned bug 18235 in a comment - the case not following the "Bug 
N:" convention - because it so happened such a bug had been filed and 
closed WONTFIX, not because it seems particularly analogous to the normal 
"Bug N:" case which I think of as meaning "this xfail should be present if 
and only if that bug is still open".)  Anyway, I've added a reference to 
this discussion to the conformtest todo list 

Joseph S. Myers

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