Publicity Test Run

Elijah Meeks
Sun Nov 7 08:29:00 GMT 2004

After Eric's next release, I'm going to see how much
attention I can get for XConq from a gaming
perspective.  Nothing big, no slashdotting or anything
(I agree with Coop that this should wait until 7.5),
but just a few messages on a few boards about XConq
and the various games one can play.  To that end, I
think we should tidy up the In Progress/Release list
of games that show up when you start a new game, so
that it puts the engine's best foot forward.  My
initial votes go for the Standard Game, the various
Advanced Games, my own AWLS, Opal and Star Fleet
Battles, the Civ port and Galaxy 2.  I'm not too
familiar with the rest, but I think it'd be good to
stabilize Bellum Aeternum and Wreckreation, because
these are current projects, and I would be happy to
lend a hand, if there's anything I can do.

I'd also like to set the Standard Game to default on
the Trident graphics, at least just for this release,
because it'll be a first impression kind-of-thing.  If
this is acceptable, then we'll also need to put up a
new splash screen so that new players know.


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